We are now holding free online meditation classes - see the details here
In-person (face-to-face) meetings coming soon
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is natural, easy, and powerful
Learn how to meditate at our weekly classes and courses - always free of charge. Simply turn up, and make yourself comfortable. There is always place for beginners, so there is no need to make a booking in advance. Each session includes the basics and a practical guided meditation, so that you can start meditating at home straight away. Sahaja Yoga meditation is natural and easy, and no special equipment is required. The meetings are conducted in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
Simple and practical
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is an effective, proven method to achieve stress-relief. Even early on, a person practising Sahaja Yoga can experience a state of ‘mental silence’, where the mind is completely at rest, together with heightened awareness, and inner peace. Regular practice can bring about positive developments on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, and lead to significant personal transformation. 10 minutes a day is sufficient to derive benefits.
Join any time as a complete beginner, and learn:
How to meditate, and balance your inner being
About the subtle energy centers, 'the chakras', and simple techniques to cleanse them
How to feel, and easily decode the condition of your energy centres
How to give self-realisation to, and cleanse the chakras of others

Feel the power in your hands, learn the science of your inner being
Each of the main seven energy centres, 'the chakras', is reflected on specific fingers and parts of our hands. Easily learn how to decode what you feel on your hands, and gain a deep understanding of your inner being.
Each class is designed to be beneficial and instructive for beginners and regulars alike. Classes can provide a boost of inner energy and revitalisation, through the powerful setting of collective meditation, and with the clearance sessions.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the founder of Sahaja Yoga, and widely acknowledged as one of the greatest spiritual teacher of our times. She started Sahaja Yoga in 1970. It is based on ancient knowledge, and effective in finding and establishing inner peace in our modern world. Today, hundreds of thousands around the world benefit from this natural meditation technique. With practice of Sahaja Yoga, anyone can have direct access to truth, and therefore become their own spiritual guide.
Shri Mataji traces her ancestry back to the royal Shalivahana dynasty of India. She was born Nirmala Salve, and upon marriage became Nirmala Srivastava. Her husband was Sir C.P. Srivastava, who in the course of his illustrious career, was unanimously elected four times consecutively to the most senior position in the United Nations International Maritime Organisation, thus serving as the Secretary-General from 1974 to 1989.